Tech At Hand Dot Net

Google AdSense in Feeds

I have seen in that AdSense for Feeds is now being rolled out to some bloggers. According to the site, The Ads that is showing out in the feeds is relevant , And we all know that a relevant Ads has a high chance of having Clicks and and will give a higher CTR which is also equivalent to a higher Earnings.

My AdSense Dashboard still does not show those option but I know soon it will be implemented to all.

Now I have to work it out to get more Feeds Subscriber. BTW Blogging Idol is still on going. But I believe putting Codes to Guide AdSense is still necessary.

I have been using AdSense Thru Feed burner but it seems it is not driving dollars to my account. Let me try this as soon as it is available in my AdSense Dashboard.

Did you see this new feature in your Dashboard ? And what is the result ?

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