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Android and Apple Leads Mobile Operating System

I just saw a recent report from ComScore that Android and Apple are still taking the lead as mobile operating system provider.

According to Comscore

Android ranked as the top smartphone platform with 40.1% of the market, up 5.4%. Apple improved its market share but remained in the No. 2 spot with 26.6% of the smartphone market, up 1.1 % from the prior reporting period. RIM ranked third and remained close behind Apple with 23.4%, but it lost 3.7% of its share according to the report. Microsoft at 5.8% (down 1.7%)and Symbian at 2.0% (down .3%) brought up the rear.

I believed this is due to quality phones that is being introduced have an Android Platform with it. The numbers of Application available both for Android and iPhone is way far compared to their rival Microsoft, and RIM.

But Microsoft will soon introduce it’s new platform codenamed “Mango” but of course Microsoft still needs to prove that Mango can beat Android and Apple OS. The rumored iPhone 5 is also giving some hype all over the net. On the other hand RIM will release a handful of new handsets based on its updated Blackberry OS 7.

So we will see a battle of OS on the next few moths.

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