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Did You Know That Friendster Could Help You Promote Your Blog ?

I have been using Friendster for sometime and I manage to add my long lost friends for years. We all know that when you want to find old friends in Philippines just proceed to Friendster and there is a great probability that your long lost friends are there and their own profile. Even my Kids have their own Friendster account.

So here are some of the Tricks in Friendster that might help you become more Sociable.

1) Shout Out Your Blog in Friendster

Shout out feature of Friendster is based on HTML, and therefore you can paste your URL on the shout out and when somebody visits your profile they will be able to see your links or they might be tempt to press that link

2) Put your site in your About Page in Friendster Profile

you just have to put this codes in your Profile page

<iframe src="" height=”500″ width=”600″></iframe> and you will be able to post your blog frame in your Friendster profile


3) Put your Headline Animator in your Friendster Profile

Just make sure your feeds is burn at Feedburner and try to make a headline animator

4) Make A Blog in Friendster

Did you know that Friendster blogs now use WordPress. See picture below as I have just do some changes in my Friendster blog

Yes, Friendster Blogs is powered by WordPress. So for all of your WordPress fanatics you may want to try an additional incoming links to your blog thru friendster. You have 50 MB of Webspace. I am still having problem in using my Windows Live Writer even after activating XML-RPC.

So I hope this gives you a new idea on how to use Friendster to increase your Blog Visitors, Promote your blog to your friends. 🙂

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