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Just Arrived from Lucena Travel

I just arrived from Lucena. Wheew it is a far place but a nice place to visit. I will update this post and upload some picture taken at my friends place. Well actually it is located in Lucena City in an Agricultural land.

I tried to connect to internet using my mobile phone and SMART GPRS works while in the road. The only problem that I got with SMART GPRS connection is the is the disconnection since whenever I am disconnected they are deducting PHP 10 which is supposed to be the fee for the 30 minutes use.

Smartsurf did not work with my mobile phone. I don’t know if it is with the netwrok or with the mobile phone. I thought I could get the Php 15 for 24 hours. but it is only a promise from smart.

Anyway Lucena is a nice place.

Updates :

Me at Palayan

My Wife in Lucena

Lucena Agricultural Land

Lucena Agricultural Land

Pinagong Bread

Just a proof of my visit to Lucena, Taken while inside the Jac Liner Bus

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