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Live Blogging at Iblog 5 | Pictures and Experience @ iblog 5

I am now at iblog5 at UP Diliman , Malcolm Hall. It is not yet started, but everyone is excited about the different topics that will be discussed. Hope to update you soon. By the way I am wearing black shirt 🙂

Thanks to the Free Wi-fi Access. You can see updates at my twitter account. { Tech At Hand } . In 2 minutes Iblog will start.

Updates :

So here’s what happen yesterday, We arrived at  Malcolm Hall at about 8:45 AM. All is excited with the Blogger’s Summit that will be held all thru out the day. Me and my wife registered and good to know that the first 300 registered attendees will have their Free ID holder.

I would like to thank  Janette Toral for Presenting me again the award that I got at the Digital Filipino Professional Blogger Category.

First Speaker was Mica and Aj Matela they talk about Blogging 101, the Basic information that every newbie bloggers should know about blogging, I must say that the speakers says what the bloggers should know about the topic.

The second set of speaker talks about Photo Blogging, it was discussed by ,Faith Salazar and Fritz Tentativa , I learn new tips about Photography with this two speaker, I remember about the Rule of Thirds and the Golden Hour in photography.

The third set of speaker was Azrael Coladilla and Kring Elenzano where they talk about Video Blogging, I have not yet tested doing Video Blogging, well actually because I am shy in Video 🙂 . I might as well shoot some video and upload it and share it to my readers. The two speakers shares some tips on how you will be able to do videos that will be accommodated in Youtube.

The fourth speaker was Edwin “Ka Edong” Soriano, it is the first time I saw Edwin, I thought he was old and it is only yesterday that I know He is not 🙂 , we have some Online conversation already . And it s good to meet Edwin in person. I hope we can chat more in future and share some knowledge in blogging about technology.

The last speaker for the Morning session was Benj Espina and Juned Sonido , The energetic Benj speaks about his opinion on what he believes is the do’s and don’ts in blogging. While Juned speaks the Do’s and Don’t in blogging which focused in Google Webmasters suggestion, Juned even gave free dinner to the one that answer his question.

During the Lunch time I met some bloggers where I only met online it includes James of Pinoy Money Talk , Jonel Uy, Melvin T Del Pilar, Randy Marasigan, Jeffrey Aspacio and new blogger Devie Ontolan ,Jhelo and Kapeng Barako from SEOph Forum ( Thanks for sharing ) .  I would also like to thank iblog5 admin for having a good lunch and merienda .

So the Summit continues and the first speaker in the afternoon was Atty. JJ Disini , Legal issues in Blogging , I actually heard him last year and He discusses issues about fair use, It is only now that I discovered that government site is not included in the copyright law. and it is only yesterday I knew that the copyright of a certain materials that you made starts on the first point of your work. The water mark in pictures was also discussed.

Dir. James Jimenez, COMELEC-EID Director, discusses about the importance of having blogger involvement during the election. He also says that they don’t have jurisdiction with those possible candidates that are now having TV Ads since those person have not yet filed their candidacy.

Janette Toral discusses about the Citizen Journalism for the 2010 Elections, Oliver Robillo was not able to come so his topic was also discussed by Janette, If in case you want to be part of the bloggers that will watch election in 2010 don’t hesitate to contact Janette She is now being contacted by different NGO about the possible Bloggers interaction during the 2010 Election. She is also preparing a Blogger Election Handbook.

The next set of speakers were Mannix Pabalan – AyosDito, Kristine Mandigma – Philippine Online Chronicles, Laszlo Lim, Business Development Head – Yehey, Jayvee Fernandez and Eric Ramirez , they actually promote their different site but ofcourse they are the sponsors. 🙂

And ofcourse after this their is a 5 minutes break during the break time I was able to meet Jehzlau ( Check your calling card 🙂 although it is redirected ) , Noemi Dado The Momblogger , Marhgil and his wife , It was nice to meet in person all those online friends.

The last speaker in the afternoon was Fitz Villafuerte and Anton Diaz , Fitz shares the bomb about the SEO 🙂 He share those tips that normally SEO practitioner are not sharing.. Oops if you are not present try to comment and contact him at his blog. He has 5 tips.. And I all agree with his explanation specially about the Social Media Optimization , ( Nice Tips Fitz ) He also announced that he knows some blogger earning more than $1000 , He did not mention the names 🙂 . Or else those people will be liable from BIR 🙂 , Anton also shares tips on how to bring your blog into next level like affiliate marketing and Being an entrepreneur , and that was the first time I heard about Maven Blogger .

And after the last speaker there comes the raffle draw where I and my Wife ( Myjournal ) got Free Iblog T-Shirts . I was not able to go to the After Party you can check my about page why 🙂

In General Me and My wife have a great time during the Summit and we hope to be here on iBlog6.

Just want to give you a heads up on a profitable blog niche Enjoy !!!

More iBlog5 Pictures Here

I want to know your post about iblog5 let me know and I will included it here 🙂 ( I got the first list from Noemi )


More Updates : if you attended iBlog5, will give a free hosting Read here.

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