Tech At Hand Dot Net

My Family is Now Living in Philippines

How is everything nowadays? I know I have not updated this blog frequently due to offline commitments. I am buried with offline works as well. I just find time today to update this blog and I am planning to do it frequently in the future. Just want to inform you that my family is now in Philippines because my eldest daughter needs to study in Grade 11, which unfortunately is not available in Saudi Arabia.

My family had a big culture shift when we decide for them to stay in Philippines since they were with me for almost 14 years. In fact 2 of my son’s birth place is Saudi Arabia.

One of the struggles that they have is the traffic in Philippines. In Saudi Arabia they were also used to do online shopping through , luckily in Philippines, Online Shopping can also be done through different way, in fact there are online sites which can lead you to different online shopping store in the Philippines, I am actually referring to Saleduck. Saleduck caters different site where you can find different gadgets or anything that you want to buy online. My wife prefers to buy online to avoid traffic, and long lines in department stores. In addition it is safer to buy online as long as you buy from legitimate online stores.

Just a precaution, before buying online, be sure you did your research about the stores where you are buying from. Knowing other blog review or Youtube review can help you decide about the authenticity of a certain online store.

The best thing about online shopping is that you can easily compare prices from different site, It helps you to decide on where is the best place to buy. Not only where is the best place to buy but also where is the cheapest place where you can get the things that you need.

Just a last note, you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel about the things that I am doing in Riyadh, as I told you in the beginning of this blog post I am alone in Riyadh and I would like to share what are my findings here.

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