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Enjoy all your IM friends in one cool place

I just found out that Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messenger two of major player in chatting can now merge. See the post over at the Yahoo Messenger Site.

Enjoy all your IM friends in one cool place

Group hug! Now use Yahoo! Messenger to share instant messages with friends who are on Windows Live Messenger. Now all your friends can be on your contact list so you can easily see when they’re online, and IM them whenever you want. How fun is that? Especially when you can spice up your IMs by using fun emoticons and “Buzzing” to get their attention.

See their online status in your contact list

Once you’ve added a Windows Live Messenger friend, they’ll show up on your Yahoo! Messenger contact list. That way you can tell if they’re online. Plus if you send an IM while they’re offline, they’ll get the message once they log back on.

And best of all, it’s absolutely free. So start sharing IMs (and more) today with all your friends that use Windows Live Messenger.

It is good that they are merging. Is it a move to put down Skype ?

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