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Manila Ocean Park Location Map And Details

Below are the details and location map of Manila Ocean ParkOcenarium ” . I will post more details after my visit. We will try to locate it and  and have some fun.  I am still on vacation so this post will be part of my vacation travels. I hope this help other who are in search for  the Manila Ocean Park Location Map.

Images and information were lifted from Manila Ocean Park Website:

Manila Ocean Park
Quirino Grandstand Luneta, Manila, Philippines
Tel: (632) 4000604, (632) 4000681, (632) 4000691 Fax: (632) 4000732

Admission Rate
Student’s Rate : P250
Children’s Rate : P350
Adult’s Rate : P400

Opening Hours
The Oceanarium : 10AM to 6PM Daily
The Mall : 10AM to 9PM Weekdays
10AM to 10PM Weekends and Holidays
The Open Marine Habitat : 10AM to 9PM Daily

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