Tech At Hand Dot Net

Marikina Students Banned From Internet Gaming

Marikina Students Banned From Internet Gaming This is just a quick post and only Applicable to my Filipino Readers : I just see a report that there is new City ordinance prohibiting Internet Gaming for students in Marikina, Philippines.

“We are strictly implementing our ordinance that strictly prohibits Internet establishments from allowing students to use their computer equipment especially during school hours,” said Ramos.

So those establishment having this kind of Business will need to be very careful since the police authority is on their head. Ramos urged the Internet cafés catering to students doing projects, homework and research, to block off obscene Web Sites and not to admit students to play games during school hour.

I believe Marikina Authority is right in doing this kind of things. Computers should be used in a rightful manner, and not just for playing games. I also hope that other Municipality in Philipines follow the same rules like Marikina. But what about Chatting and Internet Browsing during School Hour will they ban it also ? Well just asking 🙂


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