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Management, Engineering,Planning, Architectural and Construction Related Site

Well as mention in my About page I am an OFW working as an Engineer. I just want to say this since I would like to share a site which I find very useful not only to professional but Engineering student as well. The site gives lot of information in Engineering ( E-book Downloads ). Not only in my field which is Mechanical, it also gives information such as Management, QA/QC , Civil , Mathematics and Others. I may say that this is a Gold Mine in terms of information for me and also to the readers of this site which is working at the same field as mine.

The site is giving Free Engineering and Resource E-book links that is ready for download.

Based on the comments that I have been receiving from this site. I can say that there are some Engineering Students and Engineering Professional out there.

But I believe that the information you could find from can be used not only by Engineers but by Accountants, Managers and Ordinary people as well.

So I hope you like the Tons of E-book that is shared on that site.

BTW I have already downloaded more than 10 already with subject such as Management, Civil , Mechanical and Leadership.

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