Tech At Hand Dot Net

Having Problem with The SERP

I just don’t know what happen to this blog. I am now experiencing a problem with Google  SERP. Actually at first I found out that I have hundreds of errors in my subok ( keyword Site ) which is part of techathand folder and suddenly most of my keywords hardly gets to the top 3 position. The maximum I got is about top 5 and sometimes none.

I can’t say that my blog has been totally banned since when checking ” Tech At Hand ” as my search keyword, my site is still in number # 1.

Actually the problem started from June 1 . I just want to confirm that the problem comes from the broken links. So that I can send a reconsideration request to google.

I have also seen some post that there has been some changes in Google Algorithm. I just don’t know if I am affected by this Mayday Update ( Check this one also Here . )

I don’t have 100K pageviews per day but I have experienced almost 60% to 70%  drop of Google Visitors. Which is not good ofcourse. I am continually working out to fix errors Google Webmaster Tools is keep on seeing, i have already restricted crawl to that folder that has trigger the problem thru this method that i blog before ( Robots.txt How important it is ? ) .

This is not the first time i have this kind of problem but I hope this will be fixed soon. I will update you with other solutions and lesson learned thru this experience.

Update 6/24/2010

My SEO keywords problem is still there but the good thing is that Google Webmaster Tools has now remove all the broken links which was resolve by blocking the troubled folder with robots.txt. Some of the keywords is slowly coming back to SERP, but not in it’s old position which is always at first 3. By the way the links was revisited and resolved by Google Webmaster after submitting a reconsideration request where I state that i found out some problem thru Google webmaster tools and i have resolved it thru robots.txt , hope all this will be resolve when July 2010 come. I will keep you posted about what is happening here.

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