Tech At Hand Dot Net

Off Topics SEO Can Also Help Your Visibility

In order for someone to be succesful in Internet Marketing one should practice great Search Engine Optimization. I just found out that having a post outside your niche will also help you boost your online visibility. You just have to control on how this post will appear on your home page or your RSS reader.

I opt not to show those off topic post in the homepage and RSSfeess. But you can still see the title of those post at the footer.

Just recently I have optimized an off topic post in this blog, and I was surprised that this off topic post gives me additional readers and visitors. Upon checking the bounce rate of my off topic post it shows that when my readers see my side bar, they become curious and start jumping form one post to another.

I am also planning to take part on E-Commerce some stuffs but I still need to study more about this. Who knows One of this days I will be a great entrepreneur. Wish me luck and have a good day 🙂

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