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SEO Tips : Changing Category, Tags and Search Pages

I have some changes in my site. The changes is made at Search Results and Category Pages and Tag Pages. The category pages will now only show the title of the pages and not the content. In order to check for the content you can always pick the title and it will proceed to the the post page.

This is another experiment in this blog. I know that by doing this I can direct the Search Engine Crawler directly to the post and not only part of the post. There is also a possibility of having an increase of post page views that will also increase of possibility of having Targeted Visitors. It will also prevent the issue of duplicate content since it will not show any content in Category Pages , Search Pages and Tag Pages.

I have also modified my robot.txt during implementation of this experiment and remove restriction in my Category pages and tag Pages. [ Disallow: /category/ & Disallow: /tag/ ].

I have strong feelings that this will succeed. It will increase an index page of my site without having problem with duplicate content. This will have a good effect on my SEO Campaign for this blog.

I hope this will result better navigation of my site.

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