FBI Renews Request for Requiring Firms to Build Back Doors to Allow for Government Surveillance
Dexter Panganiban
FBI Director Robert Mueller asked a US Senate Committee this week that new internet surveillance laws should be drawn up and passed because technical advances are now hindering surveillance. He said that most communications providers are “not required to build and maintain intercept capabilities†thus making it difficult for them to obtain information from internet service providers and social-networking sites. The new proposal will amend the 1994 law called the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, which currently applies to only telecommunications companies and not Web companies.
Mueller’s statements served as a warning to all that "Because of this gap between technology and the law, law enforcement is increasingly unable to access the information it needs to protect public safety and the evidence it needs to bring criminals to justice." The draft legislation the FBI recently presented is part of what the agency is calling the "National Electronic Surveillance Strategy" and is describing it as its “Going Dark†problem. The FBI previously described this “Going Dark†problem as one wherein it has become more difficult for the agency to wiretap Americans suspected of illegal activities. The solution the agency has presented is proposed law requiring internet companies that will include Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, to build in back doors for government surveillance. He further explained that their goal is only "to capture communications of a particular individual" who is under surveillance due to criminal acts.