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Gооglе Αlегt: Αссеѕѕ Dеnіеd

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I just like to warn you about phishing email that looks real, but intends to get hold of your password.. Here is the email I received today that looks really legit,

Subject: Gооglе Αlегt: Αссеѕѕ Dеnіеd

Imрогtаnt Ѕуѕtеm Μеѕѕаgе!

Αttеmрtѕ tо ассеѕѕ уоuг gооglе ассоunt 
fгоm аn unκnоwn lосаtіоn wаѕ dеnіеd.

То hеlр uѕ κеер уоuг ассоunt ѕесuгеd,
Ρlеаѕе lоgіn tо геѕоlνе іѕѕuе Ьеlоw
аnd ѕее whеге уоuг ассоunt hаѕ Ьееn
ассеѕѕеd fгоm.

Сlісκ Неге tо Rеѕоlνе Lосаtіоn Iѕѕuеѕ <link>


If the user is not careful and attempt to login immediately, chances are crooks will get the email credentials . You will see that this is not legit because upon pressing the link, user will be directed to a site that does not really belong to g-mail.

So be very careful, good if your browser like chrome can detect that it is an attempt for phishing, but if you accidentally place your email and password, you will definitely loose everything. So be very careful.

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