Tech At Hand Dot Net

PSP-3000 Now Hacked

Despite the efforts of Sony to protect their program being hacked, a certain group whom they called themselves as Team Typhoon has announced that they have hacked the PSP 3000 Program.

According to everyjoe Typhoon’s hack takes advantage of a tiff exploit; viewing a carefully crafted image with the PSP-3000’s built-in viewer reboots the portable and makes it load the HEN environment. Here’s the full declaratory message from Typhoon:

This is a demo of the 5.03 firmware running the tiff exploit and booting into a HEN environment on a PSP 2003 (3000 Support also) on 5.03 Official Firmware. This proves that the code survives a reboot and the system software and MAC address can be changed. This is something that only can be done with a kernel exploit. A video launching homebrew will be posted later.

Credits: Homebrew Enabler – (Davee) Team Typhoon
5.03 Tiff Exploit – MaTiAz
Video – Granite
The Community – All your support.

What demo you ask? Here (Typhoon’s currently working on packaging the exploit for the

public, by the way):

Now Sony has to do something to make another version :). What do hackers get from doing it ? Hmm Fame and money ?

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