Tech At Hand Dot Net

2008 Earnings Report |

Ok I just told you about my blogging accomplishment last year 2008 and I have shared you my 2008 Blogging Statistics so to day I would like to discuss about my earnings last year 2008 compared to 2007 where I announced here that I am now a 4 figure blogger. So here is my Year 2008 Analysis

I will not put the figures but the percentage only. You just have to calculate from my report last year 🙂 ok

The above graph shows my AdSense earnings this year compared to last year. I may say that it triples my earnings this year in AdSense Alone. But if you will deduct the expenses for hosting at Dreamhost I may say that it is only a few dollar from my earnings. I was also able to do private Advertising thru forums and contacts in the industry. If I will sum it up ( including Peyd post , Which I already stop doing ) I can say that in this year I made 5 times on what I have last year.

It was a really great year for me and I am looking for another great year to come. I am now studying the ins and outs of Affiliate Marketing and I know I still have lots to learn. So If you want to know the details about it, just keep an eye in my Personal Blog because it is there where I will details the finding that I may find with Affiliate Marketing. Paypal ( Affiliate links ) helps a lot in doing Online Transaction because I am able to transfer payment from Paypal  to my Citibank Credit Card.

I stop doing Peyd Post since I am having issues with my blog indexing and SEO Matters in this blog.

Always remember the saying don’t put the eggs in one basket. try to find other source of income and make your blog as an entrance to those things. Don’t be afraid to look for other niche, try to understand the system and later you will be able to understand it.

Upon checking my Adsense stats I found out that my CTR decrease to about 22%, This is mainly because of the Direct Advertisers but I was able to increase my daily earnings because mainly on blog traffic that I in my last post about 2008 Blogging Statistics.

Here is my statistics for this blog alone 🙂

Biggest earner is this blog, because of the Unique Visits and Regular readers that drive traffic to this blog. Thank You Guys. So watch out for my Blogging Goals for 2009.

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