E-Mail Marketing My New Experiment

email1Well, It’s been almost 3 weeks since my last update, the main reason is that I am studying another way of marketing which is E-mail marketing. (It makes me busy) I am trying to learn the ins and out of E-mail marketing ( read, read, read ). For the last 1 month, I have been using the service of Aweber, I was able to get 1,245 subscribers in different niche. E-mail marketing is not easy, it needs study and proper segregation. Through proper segregation you will able to know the wants and needs of your subscribers. Well I got already a whooping $2.38 in sale. This is not big but I remember that when I start blogging, having an earning of $ 0.5 per day makes me smile. As of this time, I have consumed the 1$ promotion for first month from Aweber and now, I am entering the 2nd month. I don’t know how far will I go in E-mail marketing but I know that I need to learn as fast as I could since I have to pay for the monthly fee for the e-mail analytics through Aweber. Payment is based on the number of subscribers that you have.

1 Month List

But I believe that most of the internet marketer is right, I should start collecting e-mal list 5 years ago when I started making my blog. As they say it takes money to earn money. It is for sure that Google penalty will not be able to hinder news prospects from any new items that you need to promote.

I think that is the only thing that I could share for now maybe soon I will be able to share more inspirational blog post about my new experiment.

I am now utilizing Clickbank for as my affiliate site. But soon I will use the service of other CPA sites where I have already been approved before. Need to find a great niche to make more money online.

On my first month of E-mail marketing, I learn few things as follows:

  1. Built up relationship first with your readers.
  2. Do a survey on what they want.
  3. Be consistent.
  4. Be professional.
  5. Make your message clear and concise.
  6. Enroll in different E-mail marketing, and observe on what they are sending.
  7. Make it clear to your subscriber how to unsubscribe to avoid being marked as spam.
  8. Segregate your subscribers and send them specific offers.
  9. Search Engine Optimization could get you more subscribers.
  10. Test your broadcast.

I hope that on the next time that I will make a report about my E-mail marketing, It would be more encouraging and will show encouraging results. If you have some suggestion and experience I would be glad to know it and apply in my new experiment. It might also help future searchers about E-mail marketing.

Disclosure : Aweber Affiliate links is used.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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