My Site is Not Cached By Google

Just today when I check my Google Webmaster Tools I just found out that the site is not cached by Google.

Google Webmaster Tools - Overview Cached

Does Anybody experienced this before. I will have to dig this issue since I know it will make problem in the future. I have already contacted Google for this matter.

I think this is a  result when my site was down for about 3 days before I transfer to Dream Host. Anyway I will keep you inform in the future on how will I fix this one. The below screen shot was taken in my Google Webmaster’s Tool , All errors shown came at the time when my site is down. Imagine 571 post is not found . So that only means Google Crawl my site while my database is still having some problem.

Google Webmaster Tools - Overview

I just hope it can be fixed as soon as Google access my site again.

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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  1. 1

    Did you bother to look at the source code of your homepage?

    To save you some time, look for this code in the source of your homepage:

  2. 4

    That was a good move by checking your stats in Google Webmaster tools. Just fix those errors and in the next crawl, everything will be fine.

    • 5

      actually upon checking it today.. SERP is fine my last google crawl was aug 6 ,, but still it is not cache.

      I also suspect the use of global translator was one source of the problem

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