Facebook Introduces 60 New Apps for Timeline

Facebook Introduces 60 New Apps for Timeline

Facebook Introduces 60 New Apps for Timeline

Facebook is getting more personal by offering new timeline apps to fit your hobbies and interest at your discretion while sharing it with your friends and families.

Joining with Facebook are 60 new partners that will enable their applications with Open Graph. It’s a third party apps that will let users explore around the web of interest with the option to share of information through the apps on and off setting.

Among the popular apps that users can add to timeline is as follows: Foodspotting, Foodily, Ticketmaster, Pinterest, Rotten Tomatoes, Pose, Kobo, Gogobot, TripAdvisor and a lot more.
All these apps cater to different users need from foods, travel, shopping, fashion, cooking, fitness, entertainment and many more. Just add your favorite apps and you may start sharing activity with friends.

Timeline was first introduced during the F8 conference last September 2010 and is now available for update for almost one billion members globally. As mentioned by Carl Sjorgreen, Facebook director of platform products with these new Timeline Open Graph apps, "This is just the tip of the iceberg", which means, more updates in the future.

The roll out of this new feature will take place over the weekend to all Facebook users worldwide according to the reports.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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    • 2
      Dexter Panganiban

      @Sammy Nams,

      And I hope it could be better than myspace. I think they already knew what happen to myspace and they have already learn their lesson, they just need to innovate more in parallel with the trends of the user.

      • 3

        @Dexter Panganiban, yeah and also on what happened to Friendster – I am sure they don’t want to end like that

  1. 4

    well the sad part of Facebook Timeline is there are still users who doesn’t approve it and don’t want to activate it on their profile pages.

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