Old WordPress Versions Under Attack

Have you upgraded to WordPress Ver 2.8.4 , well if not better read Old WordPress Versions Under Attack blog by Lorelle telling that old WordPress Version is now under attack. I have not encountered any problem with WordPress 2.8.4 , But I believed those people who made their blog customized to lower version of WordPress might have problem. But better do it now or be sorry, You have been warned.

There are two clues that your WordPress site has been attacked.

There are strange additions to the pretty permalinks, such as example.com/category/post-title/%&(%7B$%7Beval(base64_decode($_SERVER%5BHTTP_REFERER%5D))%7D%7D|.+)&%/. The keywords are “eval” and “base64_decode.”

The second clue is that a “back door” was created by a “hidden” Administrator. Check your site users for “Administrator (2)” or a name you do not recognize. You will probably be unable to access that account, but Journey Etc. has a possible solution.

So what are you waiting for act now and upgrade. But be sure to back your files.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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  1. 2
    ariston|how to make mass money online

    @sir Dex,
    I don’t know about this kind of attack but for the last couple of weeks my site had been tagged by Google as a harmful site(malicious code = iframe), and I had to removed all the Ads.
    And yes, you have to make sure that your WordPress is regularly updated for security reasons.
    btw, thanks for posting!

    • 3
      Dexter | Techathand.net

      @ariston|how to make mass money online,

      I think your problem is now solved because I am not seeing those warning from Google. One of the reason of that problem is the script that you are using has a problem with Google. Remember google hates automatic

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