Everybody who loves new technology and new Phone is waiting for the release of HTC Android Phone called HTC Dream. Well I have read from telegraph.co.uk that is likely to be released next week. Well nobody knows if that phone will be released before Christmas. The Android OS has be shown in Public in Europe, You can check the Youtube Video at my other site here.
Here are the specification :
The handset will run Google’s new mobile phone operating system, Android. It is thought the phone will have a slide-out Qwerty keyboard as well as a built-in GPS (global-positioning system), and will be capable of running Google’s range of web applications such as its email service Gmail, productivity suite Google Docs and mapping service Google Maps. It is also likely to feature Google’s new web browser, Chrome
You can see more from my post before about HTC Dream
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blog hoppin’… i like this post! promiz. 😀
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aldwins last blog post..New "Information Blog" launched [Digg]
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