Converting any Computer Generated Documents into PDF

Most of the time you are being required to make PDF files output of your work. But what if you don’t have an in your computer. An option will be to print it in a printer and they will scan it in a scanner.

I may suggest that a very good tools for office or at home is the Primo PDF. This is a free software that could be downloaded here . Primo PDF converts any Computer generated documents into a PDF format file.

This tool could also be used in printing file Autocad or any other program. It will serves as your printer but the only difference is it will gives a pdf output.

I am doing this review not because they pay me to do so but as a way of thank you for helping me in doing my job well done.

Below is definition of Primo PDF.

PrimoPDF is a free tool for high-quality PDF creation, comprising a user-friendly interface that enables printing to PDF from virtually any Windows application. Additionally, PrimoPDF provides the ability to optimize PDF output for screen, print, ebook, and prepress, secure PDF files with 40- or 128-bit encryption, and add document information (e.g. title, author, subject, keywords) to converted PDF files. Full support for 64-bit machines, double byte character and non-TrueType font support, enhanced support for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, NT, and Vista and improved PDF output also now available. Please note that this download is for 32-bit machines only. A 64-bit installer is available at the developer’s Web site.

Version 3.1 introduces the ability to merge and append PDF files.

Comparing speed of converting Word or excel document to PDF vs Adobe , I will go with Primo as per my experience it is much faster to convert thru Primo rather than from Adobe. I am using Adobe 7.1 Professional.

In Conclusion having this tool is a must to have in your computer. I just hope this tool will help my readers. What about you do you have any other program being use for this type of application? Let us know by your comments.

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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