WordPress Plug-in : My New Contact Page

There was a comment before regarding the contact page that I miss for this new theme that I am running now. Well I would like to tell you guys that I have decided now to include the contact page for the reason as follows:

  1. I am tired of putting my email add in my post 🙂
  2. I could easily contacted by my visitor if there is any tips that they would like to share with me
  3. I could easily be contacted by any site who wish to advertise on this blog
  4. Everybody can say Hi and Hello to me, in private
  5. What Else ? I still have to think of it 🙂

My contact page is not so sophisticated, thanks to PXS Mail Form by By Shane Marriott. which is revised plug-in from Ryan Duff for providing this plug-in. It is really easy to install, Just load it in your Plug-In data base at insert the code in the page and that’s it.

Hope you like it guys and gals. 🙂

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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  1. 1
    Data Governance

    Thanks, I’ve been looking for a button maker. I think I’m going to go with the Brilliant button maker. They look the best, in my opinion, and I do like to drop little icons in my buttons

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