Know Which Part of Your Site Giving Lots of Income

Updates :

October 1,2009 : At present I have removed the codes from clickaider, as I am experiencing some problem with my site. I am now tracking my earning via Google Analytics.

clickaiderWould you like to know which particular post in your blog , where your visitor is clicking the Ads? Do you want to have a very good view on what is happening on your pass post or Archives?

Well your question may now be answered by Click Aider. Click Aider which is in beta stage give free Statistics on all the clicks that is happening at your site.
I have tried their service on one of my blog and surprisingly after installation of about 10 hrs, the site shows statistics on where did my visitor click the ads.
This is a great tool for everyone who is curious on what particular post in their blog is earning. Actually I just found out that my post in January and Feb is the one got the clicks today and just found out that the visitor comes from Google.

How can this help you improve your site?

If you know what type of post gives you a better earning opportunity. You can focus on having blog post regarding this topic and gives you more chance to get the clicks and of course more income.
You can even know the keywords that your visitor use when they enter your site that gives clicks.

What are the features of this site?

It has a very nice graph which you can easily understand that will show you the keyword that let you earns. It will gives some trends on the clicks that the site is having.
The graph can be viewed both 2D and 3D with the stat written on it.

How to sign up

Just sign up and enter your site that you want to monitor and put the tracker codes that they will give in any part of your blog.

Over All View of Site

The site is great specially it is free. Why don’t you take the advantage of being free at this moment. We do not know when the beta face will be finished. Since as per the FAQ , Some part of it will be paid after the beta stage. I recommend the use of the site. and let me know if it also works great at your site.
Hat Tip from Silkenhut

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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