Blog’s Not Dead, It’s Alive

Blog’s Not Dead, It’s Alive I have been blogging for a year and this morning I just read an article saying the Blogs are so 2004 the post was written by Paul Boutin a correspondent for the Silicon Valley gossip site Valleywag. The post is some sort urging other to kill their blogs due to a reason that there are other forms of blogging which are microblogging, such as twitter , Plurk and other He cited Jason Calacanis A famous blogger of his time who stops Blogging , and Scobble whose presence is now being seen seen in Twitter.

Well the question here, Is Blogging really dead ? I believe No, Have you tried asking your friend, “ What is a Blog ? “ and the usual answer you will get is . “ What is that ? “ , So How come it will be dead where in fact there are a minority knows about it.

Blog is now becoming a source of great information in a very wide subject, It can be Personal, Technology, News, A Library, And anything you can think of.

Blogs is not Dead and They are alive. As long as there are commenter and there are RSS readers who are subscribed to any of the blogs, The Blog will continue to grow. and I believed is with me regarding my opinion.

And What is great, Blogger’s today are becoming aware of their responsibility with their readers. Although I must admit that there are lots of Blog spammers out there.

So What is you thought about this ? Is blog dead ?

Photo Credit by dragonflysky

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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  1. 1

    I’ve read so many reactions on this one. I am one who disagrees with it. Like you I still meet other people who had no idea what blogging is.

    I think blogging has just started entering into the mainstream.

    Gems last blog post..First Impressions on Other Social Networks

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