How Far Will Your Blog Graphic Design Could Bring You ?

Graphic Design If you happen to visit different known sites both local and International, Can you recognize what do they have in common? What else but their Blog Design. Their blog theme is unique as well as their Blog Logo is unique. Their logo becomes their brand in the Internet. It is either they spend some money in redesigning their blog or somebody had generously sponsored in doing their blog design. Well this blog was blessed enough to have a blog make Over by Weborithm as part of my prize on Shoe VS John Chow contest. I can say that my blog has a unique design , logo and theme.

Now what is the importance of having a unique theme or Unique Graphic Design?

  • Easy Recognition

Whenever somebody visit your site from a search engine, usually it will have a 100% bounce rate, that means after seeing what they want at your site, they tend to check for some other exit links from your blog. You will be lucky if your visitors will roam around your site. What I am saying is if your site is constantly appearing in searching for some related keyword for your site, you are already building your readers trust in your Website and having a readers trust is having a regular visitors for your site. Just imagine if you have about 20 Website with the same layout. Readers will be confused on which blog he is visiting.

  • First impression Last

I still believe in saying that first impression last. So if your first time visitors will not be impressed at your site, for sure there will be no e-mail subscription or RSS subscription. They will not tend to come back even there are lots of good contents in your blog.

  • Your Graphic or Your Blog Design is your identity in the web.

So would you like to have a Multiple identity or just a single identity in web. Of course you want to be unique as much as possible if the budget permits it.

Now What Type of Design is best in my Opinion ?

I am a happy person and I believe your theme color should be using a light color I hate dark themes that is why when I got the chance for a make over I choose light blue. Dark colors seems to convey loneliness. [ This is just my opinion ] . A good site navigation is also an important factor for your design layout. You have to have an idea of helping your visitor to easily navigate your site.

How Far Will Your Blog Graphic Design Could Bring You ?

Well a good graphic design plus a good content will definitely bring good traffic and better branding in the net. See how far Darren and Jeremy for International Blogs and Abe in Philippine blog now. Would you think without their graphic design brands, will they be known as unique? I don’t think so.

A believe that a unique graphic design gives prestige for a Website so if you have some earnings to spare why don’t you spend some for your blog design. Or continue joining contest until you win 🙂 Best of luck

Anybody can disagree in my mentioned opinion but be constructive.

This is my entry for ” Graphic Design Group Writing Project “

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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  1. 7

    A great article, it is always good to have people speak towards the benefits of design. Maybe at some point this will become conventional knowledge.

    Zinnis last blog post..Establishing Criteria for Good Internship Experiences

  2. 10
    Dexter |

    @ Cecile Pryor

    The simple the better.. because simple headers can easily remember. And it will become your brand.

    Thanks for visiting, Happy blogging

  3. 15

    @ Ash

    Hello, Nice to see you comment here. I have been visiting your site when I saw your advertisement in . It is good also that you have decided to advertise here.

    I have change the link you provided since it is broken.

    BTW you’ve got a nice banner at your site..

  4. 17
    Ash Chuan


    I totally agree with you. I am not a graphic designer but I recently designed a new header for my blog because I know how important it is to be unique when there are thousands of other bloggers using the same theme layout as mine.


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