There has been a question raised by Yuga at regarding the difference of Blogspot blog and blog, and here is my take
Platform Difference
Blogspot Blog use different programming command compared to, You have the freedom to alter the design of Blogspot that will suite your taste. In fact there are lots of free theme for Blogspot that you can readily use. while in you will not be allowed to alter the design unless you are going to pay them, I think it is US$ 10.
Monetization Purpose
In terms of Monetization , Blogspot is better because you cannot use to monetize your blog, It is restricted to use , You cannot even use Adsense, Payperpost, Reviewme or TLA in your , That is why lots of blogger who like to monetize their blog transfer from to blogspot. I once tried to ask if I can use it for review me and they replied a big ” NO “.
Can I migrate from to Blogspot and vise versa? Based on experience it is easy to migrate from to rather than to Since has a one press button to extract all your post and comments from your blogspot blogs.
Search Engine Index
Yuga agrees that is easier to be index by Google rather than and it is also my experience thru my other blogspot blog.
Both of them uses widget in customizing the layout and links in your front page , So I may say that both of them is ok in that matter.
Viewer Participation
In viewer participation is better since Blogspot just recently changes on how they handle their comment. You cannot comment with your self hosted URL in Blogspot not unless you will put your url inside your comments.
One of the most important factor in SEO is the Sitemap, But neither blogspot nor could provide you one. Not unless you will built it manually, this is one of the reason why you should opt to use the self hosted blogs.
Do I use both?
Yes I use ( here ) for my personal blog and General Blog. and I use Blogspot as well in monetizing my niche blogs ( here and here ) and I can say that the Blogspot blog is more optimized rather than You can also see my other blogspot blog below at my footer.
Can I use automated blogging software in both ?
Yes you can, In fact I am using Windows Live Writer in posting on all of my blogs, So it can interface with all.
Can I use Plug-in in both
Plug-in is a terminology use for WordPress, has it’s ready to use plugin in their system and you cannot alter these plug-in at all. In blogger you can have some similar plug-in but in a different way, Usually it is being provided by a group of programmer that do some customization for Blogspot. You can find some thru Hoctro for some Blogger Beta Hacks.
There are also other platform that you could use in order to have your blog, You can also use multiply and others there are also some site that offer free hosting if you qualify with their requirements and there are also some site that gives you a low price for blog hosting. Believe me, If I knew this things before I should have started all my blogs in hosted rather than doing it in the free site. That’s is why I have it now. And if there is a chance to have another niche blog I would again purchase another domain and hosting. Believe me, It is easier to monetize on self hosted blog. You also have full control over it.
But if you insist on having free blog, My suggestion is take Blogspot and take if you just want to blog. But believe me later on you will like to monetize 🙂 .
[…] We need to decide on what hosting do we need to go, Will it be Blogspot, or self Hosted WordPress Blog ( Paid or Free ) ?. It is important to decide on this matter since it will be difficult to handle later on when your site is already fully optimized. You can check my post about this two free host. […]
[…] how to insert links in RSS feeds for WordPress and Blogspot Users . The tutorials is intended for Blogspot and WordPress users, (This is the only platform that I know ). We will also explain the relevance of this links […]
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[…] Free Blogs are those blogs hosted under ,,, and others , Those are site which gives you a space to write on. But not all gives you the freedom to monetize. You can see some of my thoughts for this two types of Blog Platform. […]
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nice post. very useful.
eprs last blog post..In Hypercompetition, Prepare for the Unexpected
Thanks,this is very useful.
epratolos last blog post..In Hypercompetition, Prepare for the Unexpected
@ Daisy
Sad to say that your site is blocked at Saudi
nice article. salamat.
mas gusto ko wordpress becauses i am already very familiar with the tool. blogger has too many restrictions and limited funtionalities. imo. 🙂
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Daisys last blog post..Myspace Proxies Proxy Lists New Proxies Myspace Proxy Unblock Myspace
[…] know the fact that lots of Filipinos become interested in blogging after an interview with Filipino Probloggers in Philippines. But how far are we in terms of […]
[…] We need to decide on what hosting do we need to go, Will it be Blogspot, or self Hosted WordPress Blog ( Paid or Free ) ?. It is important to decide on this matter since it will be difficult to handle later on when your site is already fully optimized. You can check my post regarding this two free host. […]
WordPress is way better if you host it on your own hosting plan.
geocines last blog post..What’s more with Google’s services?
@geocine, You are spot on. WordPress is far way better when you are selfhosted compared to all these hosting platforms.
[…] to post a tutorial on how to put the links in your feeds. Since there are lot as of blogger using Blogspot and WordPress, (This is the only platform that I know ) I would like to make a tutorial on how to this as well as […]
[…] ÃŽn goana dup? bani pentru un domeniu propriu mul?i încearc? s? scoat? bani din blog prin AdSense sau alte metode, servicii acceptate doar de Blogger, nu ?i de WordPress. Citi?i mai multe aici. […]
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