Can Blog Stats Increase Your Page Views and Visitors ?

increase unique visitors and page views I have been thinking on how you can increase unique visitors and page views of your blog. And one of the idea that comes to me is to know how your visitors react or view your content even without commenting. I would like to emphasize here the use of the Google Analytics. This analytics will show you on what particular keyword does your site being visited and what particular keyword leads your visitors to stay a while in your blog. When visitors stays at your blog it only means that he is interested in that topic.

Such task that the analytics can give are as follows :

1) To be able to know what particular post gives lots of visitors from search engine

By knowing the particular post that gives a lot of visitors, You can now  write another topic that relates with the topic and linking to it to give more information. By this you may increase your page views because those visitors that comes from that post might consider reading another topic within your blog that relates to his original landing page.

2) To be able to know the keywords used, to reach that particular post

If you know the keywords used in order to enter those landing page. You will have the idea on what particular keyword is your blog has high chance to be noticed. Another is it can again give another idea on how to make a new blog post.I as a reader likes to click any additional information that I might find with the topic that I am searching .

3) To be able to know the Bounce Rate of a Certain post

In this stat the lower the bounce rate the better. Since if you have a lower bounce rate that will only mean that you get your readers attention and they are reading other post which is related to the subject. That is why proper linking to your other old post is needed.

4) To be Able to know your Visitors country

If you know your visitors geographic location you will be able to make a post that relates to them, An example is if your visitors is from Philippines writing something about in China which does not relates to Philippines is awkward

5) To be Able to know what post has a highest Page/Visit Stats

Knowing this stats will give you an idea where your campaign to increase readership is going ahead. Knowing what post has higher page/visit stat it will give you an idea on what your reader prefers to read. So you may have an idea on what kind of post would you like to focus and might result an increase of readership.

My General View

There are still some other stats that Google Analytics have.Those mentioned above are just some of it. But if you will have a good Idea on what is happening on your site, your post idea will follow. Why do you have to keep on posting that no one cares.It is just a waste of time. Even you are blogging for fame or for monetization. But still you are the owner of the blog and nobody can say what is right or wrong in your content.

Know what your reader wants and give what they want. And Search Engine Ranking Page ( SERP ) will follow. Don’t focus first with the Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) first focus with the reader and then ranking and income will follow.

Still the content is King.

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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