Digital Filipino Web Awards Blog – Professional Category

Just want to let you know that I have been nominated in Blogs – Professional category for the Digital Filipino Web Awards .

Judging: Blog - Professional Category

Here are the finalists competing for the Blogs – Professional category:

  • Animohosting
  • Ready To Be Rich
  • EntrePinoys Atbp.
  • Entrepinoy Bank
  • YugaTech
  • Tech At Hand Dot Net
  • IT Talks!
  • Filipina Images
  • TurfSite Manila

I am very happy to be included in the list. Well Upon my investigation on who nominated me, A group member named Jason Cheng found this blogรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs potential.

Nominate a site- Blog - Professional Category - Social Network_1225524606115

Well to Jason A big Thanks :).

Being nominated is already an honor for me, specially when you are voted side by side by known blogs in your niche. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope to Win.. and as an additional information the DigitalFilipino Web Awards Ceremony will be held on November 5,2008 at Mall of Asia (beside SM Hypermarket). In addition to club members, this event is exclusive for those who submitted entries, 2007 winners, this year finalists and winners of the DigitalFilipino Web Awards. But better to contact Janette Toral if you are not among those who are eligible to join the event.

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at [email protected]

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  1. 3

    Congratz Sir Dexter! Sir Fitz always tell good things about you during the event. Sana ako din turuan mu minsan.


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  2. 5

    Nice Dex! Keep up the good work! Congratulations Brother! Proud fan here!


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  3. 7

    buti ka pa..ako mukhang penalized talaga.. traffic is down to 200 plus na lang..hay sayang ung dollars.. dami ko na post dex pero ung recent post sa comment kung to, eh fallout 3 pa rin..

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