I Am Still Here Alive and Kicking

Just want to let you know that I am still here although my blog post goes down , all I can say is I am still here. This is due to lots of work in the office that made me tired after going home that make posting at home next to impossible. I was supposed to talk at iblog 6 but due to my work load I will not be able to be home (Philippines ) during iblog 6.  Thanks to Janette to at least giving me the opportunity. Maybe next year I can still have a slot as a speaker. 🙂

There are lots of things happening in the blogosphere, Marhgil went full time blogging that made him again active in hijacking keywords and blogging while Jezhlau declared Blogging hiatus.

Bloggers come and go, but for me I can say that passive income is still flowing even though I have not been blogging for the last few weeks and that is the beauty of making money online . In the real world once you stop working you will not be paid but in online once you do it right income flows.

But I make sure that I am answering question in this blog. I still have pending ineterview question to be filled for alxjm.com just wait for my respond.

You migh be asking what I am doing at home ? I read my bible and Watch Free ABS CBN 2 Online Streaming and Watch Free GMA 7 Online Streaming. That’s all for now.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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