Blogging Idol Begins

Blogging Idol I just want to inform all of you that I am joining an RSS contest and the winner of the game will be the one who will have the biggest number of additional RSS reader. My initial count today is 251 RSS subscriber. So I would like to ask all of you to help me win the game. Well actually the prize at stake is big. There will be only one winner, and he will take the grand prize of $3000 $ 800 + $ 2,400 worth of Internet Goodies . So if I win I will share half ( $1,500 ) $400 [ I cannot divide the other prizes ] of it to lucky subscriber. You only have to subscribed via Email and comment here to know that you are supporting me. If you are already subscribed via email just comment and use the email where you are subscribed and before the end of july I will make the list if I have the chance to win so that we can have a raffle or anything upon my discretion on how to divide the prize. So if you have lots of email you can use them all to Subscribe to me via email 🙂

As per the official List there are about 96 partcipants in this game.

Enter your email address:

Update : Please be informed that $1,500 is not purely money.. It will be anything that will come from , Just for information 🙂

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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  1. 2

    @ To all,

    All feeds should be by e-mail, since I cannot check the feeds alone.. So please subscribe to email to be eligible..

    @ Jezh.
    I don’t know if it is still open.. Just go to the host site.

    and contact the admin.

  2. 3
    little light

    owrayt. i’ve subscribed to your email. i really don’t like subscribing via email because it clogs my inbox, but i’m a fellow blogger at, so…

    i hope you win, dude. 😀

    little lights last blog post..Cebu bloggers meet-up

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