Accenture Manila Mass Lay Off , About 500 ?

Accenture Manila Mass Lay Off , About 500 ? I just learn from that Accenture Manila Solutions Division is having a Mass Lay off., . It is a company in Philippines known company that provides  Technology & Outsourcing thru Management Consulting. They also run a Call Center Business.

Unofficial count based on Yuga’s post is 500. Additional research from the web reveals the official statement by the company

In a statement sent to, the company said it is implementing a redundancy program "to balance the skills of its workforce against the demand from its clients".

This affects approximately three percent of its total workforce in the Philippines or approximately 500 out of a total headcount of more than 16,000 employees.

Source :

This is not good since there will be lots of professionals that will loss their job. Other country is also experiencing recession so it is also hard to get work from other country. Lycos was also reported to stop their free e-mail since it is not giving them revenue. So what is next.

You might see some advertisement that their company is hiring don’t be alarm since their Accenture Call Center Division is still doing great. And it is only the Accenture Solutions Division which are affected.

So what if those included in the layoff will not have work for about 2 to 3 months where will they get money to support their family, They better do something in order to cope up with the situation their severance pay will not last long for sure. They need to spend it wisely.

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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  1. 1

    This happened again last week in their recruitment division. Sad news indeed. But I do find the author’s complete disregard for grammar, sentence cohesion and subject-verb agreement slightly amusing. =)

  2. 4

    Everybody’s worried over losing their jobs. I myself have this worry. But yes, business strategies are there and no matter how difficult these strategies for some, employees like us can’t do anything except be the best employees and wisely save for the future.

  3. 6

    What can we do? Accenture needs to tighten its belt for it so somehow continue its day-to-day operations. I just hope that if the economy improves they will re-hire those they had laid-off.

    Huan22s last blog post..Worm-in-the-House

      • 8

        @Dexter | Tech At Hand Dot Net,

        The statement released by Accenture says that some of their employees have been idle for quite sometime because of the discontinued projects caused by the clients backing down due to the economic crisis. I don’t know if this statement is just for damage control or the real situation.

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