OOpss I was not able to blog about Macworld Conference and Expo that happen last January 5-9, perhaps I was busy sourcing information about CES 2009. The Tech World seems to have more attention at the CES 2009 that is why most feeds are talking about CES and Not MacWorld. Last Year Macworld made a News compared to CES because of the Apple Iphone Launch.
You can also see the full keynotes at Macworld thru arstechnica.com although I am not really impressed on how MacWorld 2009 this year, I think they should again make new innovation in 2010 or why not combine MacWorld and CES in 2010. I grab some pictures shown at arstechnica.com :).
CES 2009, is today’s talk of the town.
Yup that is why most of my recent post deals with CES 2009. But remember if nobody talks about Macworld. You have the advantage for the searches about it 🙂
So just balancing things 🙂
Dexter | Tech At Hand Dot Nets last blog post..Poor Conversion Rate
You’are a bit late with this one.
Yup I am.. this will be just for my future reference..I was looking at CES actually
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