Taking Snap Shot at your PDA

Thanks to TechieGirl Aka to Amy for providing the link so that I can take snap shot at my PDAL.

I have made below some shots taken form my , One is my Deskstop and the other one is my mobile enabled site as I discussed before.

Ahhhh one more thing, TechieGirl forget to inform that it should be installed in the Phone Memory to work. Since when I try to install the software, I tried to install it at the Memory Card and after installation it does not go to the function.

I am still using Windows Mobile Browser since this is pre installed with my PDAL. I tried to installed Opera Mini before but the trial period starts.

Do you suggest any browser other than Iexplore.

The software can be downloaded here .It is free to try.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at [email protected]

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    Site Changes & Development with New WordPress Plug-Ins & Twitter » Tech At Hand

    […] I fully join Twitter just yesterday and I am beginning to love how it works. Well until now I am still doing some testing . So if you have your twitter account just leave it here thru comments and let me follow you. And if you want to follow me here is my Twitter Address [ techathand ]. By the way please be informed that tinyurl is banned from Middle East. So your shortcut links will not be accessible for me.  I would prefer if you can use shortenurl.com to shorten your URL for twitter purpose. I am now enjoying reading twitter thru m.twitter.com using my PDA. […]

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