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There are lot of rumors in the net that Samsung Galaxy SIII will be unveiled in CES 2012. The Samsung Galaxy S III is believed to have a quad-core processor clock at least 1.8Ghz per core up to 2.2Ghz. With capability of 3D display and 3D camera for both image and video recording. It expected to have Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The display size is 4.65″ to 5″ Super Amoled HD. The Camera is 12MP capable of multi shot.
Samsung has been able to sell 2 million units of Galaxy SII in 30 days after it was launch last year. Galaxy SII is the most successful android phone to date with reference to sales and performance. It is expected that Samsung Galaxy SIII will have the same treatment from buyers if it meets buyers satisfaction.
Soon we will see the latest information of Samsung Galaxy S series.
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