Updates : Xbox Updates is now being rolled out in different part of the world.
I just got this NEWS that at Tuesday 2am Pacific Time, There will be updates for all Xbox 360 Live Update .
If you are an Xbox 360 owner that was sending audio out over HDMI and found after the XBE update was applied your audio was gone, your fix is coming Tuesday 2am Pacific. The update will fix the audio issue over HDMI.
Some says that this will be a fix for the audio issue only.
Major Nelson reports that the update will be rolled out to all XBOX Live members around the world over a few hours. Some of you might not get it as soon as possible.
Just a bit of information I want to share.
Source : Majornelson.com
i never owned an xbox but it looks interesting! 🙂
Snows last blog post..The Curious Case of Mang Meliton Zamora
It is but costly 🙂