$100 laptop in US a Deskstop for Filipinos

I have seen a News that the Computer enthusiasts in the developed world will soon be able to get their hands on the so-called “$100 laptop”. Because It will be offered in public thru G1G1 scheme in Two Weeks time starting 12 November.

The organization behind the project launched the “give one, get one” ( G1G1 ) scheme that will allow US residents to purchase two laptops for $399 (£198).

If US can do this in support to the Third World Country I just hope that Philippines Government can make a scheme like this wherein those ” can afford “ family could buy one for their use and there will be a free Celeron Computer that could be given away to deserving students in public school.

This is good idea for Businessman in Philippines to build a deskstop and make the slogan ” Buy a Computer for a Cause “. Isn’t it great ?  You will have your computer, at the same time you are helping does deserving student who can’t even afford to buy mobile phone for their use.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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  1. 2

    On a personal note, the OLPC is a great project that will certainly boost literacy in the country both language and technical.

    However, given the current political situation, I’m afraid that if and when the government decides to invest in them, they will ALSO be used as a reason to back up the obviously flawed Broadband deal.

    Technologically, the OLPC is simply a wonder.

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