Philippines 2010 Election : How To Use PCOS Machine

Do you know what is PCOS Machine ? PCOS Machine is the machine that will be use to count the votes for the Philippine 2010 Election on May 10, 2010. The first ever Electronic election that will happen in Philippines. There are lots of people who disagree to use this machine in counting the votes for 2010 election. I have already explain my side in my previous post ” Philippine 2010 Automated Election ” .

So far until now it is the machine to be used Officially by Comelec to determine the election result. To All my readers I ask you to vote as per you conscience and not as per SWS Survey . Do not set your vote just because they are popular. Set your vote because you believe that they can do something for our country.

Below is an instruction on how to use the PCOS Machine , It is just a reminder for the watcher.

So Again what do You think about using the PCOS Machine to declare the next president. See Updates of Philippine Election News at our Partner site Philippine 2010 Election News and Halalan 2o10 News Updates

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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    No comment on PCSO Machine.

    But the memory card, every machine must be connected to lacal lan network hub to main server, lets say in one district barangay, maybe they use 10 PCOS machine, then all the machine should be connected to one main server using network hub then the main server system the one will transmit the data information or vote tally to the district data collector to be protected and transmit to comelec and every responsible district coordinator must have a copy of the secured data of all the votes. BE CAREFUL OF USING MEMORY CARD? which is not secured

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