GO2WEB20 : The Complete Web 2.0 Directory

Do you want something to review and share it to your blog? Well you have to check go2web20.net, It gives link to a lot of Web 2.0 application that could be found in the net. It can be sorted as per the date that it has been included or by Alphabetical order.

BTW this is not an sponsored post. I just want to share this site to you guys as your reference.

I have some list of question that I have tried to answer as follows :

What can I find from GO2WEB20

What I like from this site is it has almost all the site that I would like to visit and use with some application that I am looking. From Budgeting, Social Media, Photography, Pictures etc.. name it and you could find it here.

Does GO2WEB20 Is user friendly ?

Yes it is. You can just press the site you would like to visit and it will give you a brief description of that site.

How to access the site ?

The site is free to access and there is no password or user id needed. This is another plus factor to them.

Can I suggest A site which is not in their list

I am not so sure , Since I cannot see any site submission link at their site. I would be better to contact the Site Administrator. For sure there is a Contact details on their site.


I really love the site. Some of the site that I shared before at my other site comes from this site.This is what I say as a Golden Treasure in the Net. Hope you like it. Do you have any other site like this that you would like to share to our readers. Just put it our comments.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at [email protected]

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