Apple has announced the launch date and time for their MobileMe service. it is a Mac service that will offer web-based email, calendar, address book, photo gallery and storage capabilities as well as "Push" sync services. Apple announced MobileMe at this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference in early June.
MobileMe stores all your email, contacts, and calendars on an online server — or “cloud†— and pushes them down to your iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, and PC. When you make a change on one device, the cloud updates the others. Push happens automatically, instantly, and continuously. You don’t have to wait for it or remember to do anything — such as docking your iPhone and syncing manually — to stay up to date.
It will synchronize all your Apple Gadgets. I wonder if they will make a crossover platform where they can also link to Windows Mobile 5 users. Although this might not happen because it is their competitor but having a collaboration will be great in the future. reported that MobileMe will launch on the evening of July 9th as shown in Mac site as follows :
MobileMe Launch
7/9/2008, 6pm-12am PT
As part of the MobileMe launch, will be taken offline at 6pm PT on Wednesday, July 9th.
Members will be unable to access or any .Mac services during this time with the exception of .Mac Mail accessed via a desktop application, iPhone, or iPod touch.
MobileMe will be available as soon as possible during this maintenance window.
I believed that this New Apple application will be released earlier than iPhone 3G so that iPhone 3G users will be able to take advantage of the service.
Existing .Mac subscribers should already be able to send and receive emails at their new addresses. MobileMe retails for $99/year, but iPhone 3G (or Mac) buyers will be able to pick up a year subscription for $69 on July 11th.
Now I really have to save to buy a new Macbook Pro Laptop. And it will cost me about SAR 7,000+.
Via macrumors
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Dexter | Tech At Hand Dot Nets last blog post..Apple MobileMe Will be launch July 9th
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