Adobe confirmed this week that they are indeed putting out its Flash Player plug-in for cell phones and mobile devices. This is quite a surprise since Adobe Flash has been around for many years and the company had worked hard to develop this plug-in. There also a number of programs and mobile applications that are based on Adobe Flash.
Apple, by far the giant player in the computing word, does not use Flash Player in any of their gadgets. There are a number of criticisms thrown at Flash Player. First off, it is slow loading and can take the life out of your battery. It also causes mobile devices to overwork its processors plus it poses security risks in some cases.
The rise of tablets and smart phones, which are undoubtedly being led by Apple, are drawing a lot of programmers and developers to create applications that are compatible for iPhone and iPad. That means setting aside the Flash Player environment and getting on a more standard application to be used on Apple gadgets.
Is Adobe Flash player still alive? Yes it is- it’s still breathing. It is still on most web browsers and is valuable in millions of online websites. But as for your cell phones and tablets, you can say goodbye to Adobe Flash and see more of it on your laptop and computer browsers.
It is still important, but yeah. If this trend continues where people are suddenly having their tablets and iPads, I wonder what’s the future of Flash.
say hello to focus html 5 🙂 Jobs is really correct about flash 🙂
Yup.. Jobs is really correct.. I wonder what those company, who spend a lot so that flash can be incorporated in their mobile design, is saying now 🙂