U.S. Analysts Say Most Hackers are China-based

U.S. Analysts Say Most Hackers are China-basedAccording to U.S. cyber security experts and analysts, about 12 various China-based hackers are stealing essential data from the U.S. government and private companies. These stealthy activities had stolen billion dollars worth of data, including intellectual properties. The U.S. intelligence has linked the hacking to different groups based in China. The gravity of the attacks and the sensitive data and technologies it steals from various organizations result to serious pressures on the US government to take a firmer stand on cyber attacks. Cbsnews.com reported the said issue.

The truth of the matter is, U.S., one of the strongest countries in the world, virtually has no jurisdiction to prosecute cyber robbers based in China simply because there are no mutual agreements between the China and the US. That, plus given the fact that it is very difficult to show proof of hacking coming from certain people.

China has constantly rejected any allegations of cyber hacking and states that it is also a target of the popular crime. According to James Cartwright, who used to be the Joint Chiefs of Staff vice chairman, US basically can’t do anything about cyber hacking and that it has been perceived “risk-free” by cyber criminals. He urged the government to take a stronger stand against cyber hackers.

In the last decade, the attacks are being targeted to critical industries like defense, finance and energy. According to different reports, Cyber analysts are confident that hackers are based in China, specifically in Beijing, because of their unique digital fingerprints.

Cartwright suggested to that the government create a policy that will allow U.S. to go through diplomatic channels to ask China to stop detected attacks and eventually have the right to stop the server to sending malicious software by any means to avoid further damage.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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